Optihealth platform provides scientific and digital tools for systematic tracking and detecting of risk factors that are important in the development of serious chronic diseases.
In brief, the process involves patients above 45 being invited to fill in digital questionnaires in the waiting room of their medical practice for preliminary assessment of health risks. They are invited accordingly for further checkups. Trained early detection nurses conduct further technical exams and the patient is connected with their doctor for further follow-ups that include drafting of specific patient treatment module, analyzing of risk factors and preparing a follow-up plan to avoid serious damages including heart attack, kidney failure, and others.
Preventive Medicine in Diabetes "Recent tests conducted in Belgium have shown that patients suffering from Prediabetes are an important target group for conducting early diagnosis. They can be saved from the effects of severe complications due to the disease through early detection and as such can be kept healthy for a longer period of time. Such patients, can remain in a particular stage of diabetes with fewer complications through use of medication."
Source: Koninklijke Limburgse Apothekers Verbond ( KLAV) , Belgium, January 2018
Complete a treatment with general practitioner, solely managed by the GP.
By using Optihealth care, digitally and comprehensively supported treatment plan and decision support mechanism.
Optihealth dispatch consists of a digital guidance support for the GP. The dispatch system activates a multidisciplinary care team around the patient through a smart digital agenda for necessary appointments.
Medicine is now undergoing a major revolution that will transform the nature of health care from reactive to preventive. OptiHealth Care provides a user-friendly overview of each risk factor including treatment modules and a list of exams and diagnoses to be completed, in combination with a unit that allows the care provider to complete the preventive health care file performing all exams and treatments in one run, considerably increasing the comfort for the patient and thus the compliance of the patient towards preventive health care.